Monday, April 18, 2016



By Dick Carmack

Dear Mr. Editur,
          I got a idea that our granddaddys warn't munkeys or such, but was Tree Huggers jist the same.  If I was ejecated I spect that would be a thirry, or maybe even a high‑poty‑sis.
          Bein' a Christian I know some about the Bible and I figger every word in it is true as can be, or it really ain't much use att all. That being the case it says that trees was created first and was full growed cause they was growin' fruit just like they do now, and that was three or four days before a man even was.
          It figgers then that when man (our granddaddys) came along them trees was already there, full growed and somethin that could really be hung on to if the need be. Like you figgered all this is leadin' up to somethin' and here it is:
          About the first of July I read in the papers that scientists added a "leap second" to there atomic clocks in order to make 'em come out right cause the earth was slowin' down and purty soon I reckon it'll quit altogether.
          It said the last time that happened was about 2 and a half years before, January of '90 they said and I reckon if that be the case it probly happened other times at about the same space say like June of '87 and before that too, right reglar most likely. The paper didn't say and my watch ain't near good enough to argue the point. But them scientists has got sum pretty good stuff to work with and I reckon they're right on track when it comes down to measuring things close.
          So anyway, I got to thinking about that the other day and I sharpened my pencil and did a little figerin' and I'm gonna tell you here what I come up with and you can check me out if you want two and see if what I say don't make sense.
          Now if 2 1/2 years ago we wuz short 1 second and 5 years ago we wuz short 2 seconds and so on, that means that not too long back, 216,000 years ago (2 1/2 years times 86,400 seconds in a day), this earth turned plumb around on its axle in jist one second!  And thats flat movin' on. It calcylates out to 25,000 miles a second, give or take a little. And only 2 and a half years before that we reach what I think they call "infinity," which means it flat cain't be done.
          Some of them scientists that push the idea of us comin' from munkeys try to tell us over and over again' that this world is somethin' like 4 or 5 billyun years old. Now 216,000 years sounds like a lot but if you put it up besides 4 and a half billyun you gotta multiply by about 20 thousand to even git close. 
          So anyways, if this earth was goin' anyways NEAR that fast then the speed of a jet airplane wouldn't even be noticed. So if my granddaddy and yours was here on this world when that was happenin' and if they didn't grab ahold of the nearest tree and hang on for dear life, maybe they WAS as dumb as a munkey. And it probly makes sense that they didn't even have to climb up cause them trees was already bent down clear to the ground and they jist crawled  under 'em and hugged up tight with both arms and legs and all ten toes. I told you they was Tree Huggers and now you gotta agree.
          But usin' common sense, accordin' to what we see by lookin' at things, everthing else is slowin' down and wearin' out to, not jist this planet. My boots wear out reglar and I know the house is gettin' to where it lets in the cold more and I reckon this old body will wear out someday soon two so it really ain't no suprise that the world is goin' slower and slower. But all that makes us think that if everything goes slower now it went a lot faster before, and somewheres back there I reckon God had to wind it all up. It sure didn't wind ITSELF up and that's a fact. How could it when all it WANTS to do is run down and wear out?
          Chances are this earth and everything else in the universe wuz all put together and started up about 6 thousand years ago jist like the Holy Bible sez. But men don't want to believe in either God or the Bible because thataway they gotta answer fer what they do and think and that's somthin' they jist don't want. But it really don't matter what WE want does it? What really matters is what's a fact whether we're smart enough to admit it or not.
          I don't know about some of them scientists tho, some­times is seems like what they come up with today makes what they told us about yestirday seem like fool­ishness and I think maybe that's what's happenin' here. I got my suspects that all this talk about the earth being all them billyuns of years old is kind of like a big fish story. Ever time they tell it, it jist gets bigger and older and bigger and older. Looks to me like we better git right with Jesus before its to late.
                                                                                                         Yours Truly,

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