Wednesday, May 11, 2016



By Pastor Dick Carmack

Standing mightily astride the high rises of New York, The Gigantic Donald smites all armies thrown at him, intercepting aircraft and bullets in flight, swatting down missiles, all the while clutching at with one arm the prize of all prizes,                                         the Presidency of the United States.
He is untouchable. He is the hero of the day. All hail the Donald!


Desperation is in the air. America is sliding toward chaos and people can see and feel it though they may not put it into words. Grasping at straws, a man arises who claims to be able to reverse the descent and as a result, a full third, soon to be probably more than half of all Americans are willing to support him for the Presidency. Is he for real or is it a con?


It may well be a plot hatched in hell and America’s conservatives are ingesting it hook, line and sinker. Americans hate our present government with a passion. Donald Trump has tapped into that anger and is sweeping the GOP race for the nomination and apparently the presidency of the Republic. The whole show however may well be a Broadway production, staged by that shadowy group known as “Illuminati.”
J.R. Church writes in his astounding and extensively documented book, “Guardians of the Grail,”
“This book reveals the sordid story of a secret organization based in Europe, which, down through the centuries, has been the guardian of a so-called “holy bloodline.” Participants in this clandestine group believe that members of this “sacred lineage” are descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. Their ultimate goal is world government!”[1]
Donald Trump (as documented later) reportedly carries in his veins “royal blood,” that supposedly qualifies him for membership in the “sacred lineage.”

Church gives us the history of this diabolic movement which students of rotten governance know sometimes as “The New World Order” that began in the Garden of Eden when Satan tempted Eve with the lure of “ye shall be as gods.” That attempt was a roaring success for the arch-enemy of God and since that day the love of power (and the money required to get it) has dominated the darker side of all unsaved humans.
The next big move was the erection of the Tower of Babel in the first recorded attempt at world government. That one had a great beginning but ended in failure when God descended from heaven and scattered them from “thence upon the face of all the earth.” Satan licked his wounds and retreated, waiting for a better day.
For the next three thousand years scores of world dictator “wanna be(s)” came and went but nothing really stuck until the “Crusaders” struck it rich when they apparently found the fabled “Solomon’s Treasure” while digging in and around the Jewish Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem.
The first Crusade, called “The people’s Crusade” began in 1096 and lasted for three years. The ninth, and last Crusade was led by Prince Edward, (later Edward 1 of England) ran for less than 2 years and ended in 1272. Sometime during that 176 year period the money power of the world had its big beginning. Called “pilgrims,” an early order of Knights Templar in 1119 was granted a headquarters in a wing of the royal palace on the Temple Mount in the captured Al-Aqsa Mosque, below which was believed to be the ruins of the Temple of Solomon.[2] Digging therein the Knights supposedly found the bulk of Solomon’s Treasure, which had been derived in part from his celebrated “mines.”
The story goes that when the treasure was recovered it was clandestinely spirited off to Scotland, there to form the financial foundation of the banking systems of the world, and to finance skullduggery, partly through banking, in almost every facet of activity on the globe where money was to be made. Added onto the ultimate crime syndicate, is the proposition that because of the possession of big money you also receive the right to rule the masses. They call it “the divine right of kings.”
That is a bare outline of the empires of which our esteemed Donald Trump we discover is apparently part of when you do some digging. Mr. Trump is perhaps a tool of the empires that control the earth which we sometimes know as New World Order Globalists. Does the foregoing perhaps explain the reported “million dollar loan” to Donald by his father, or perhaps is there financing that extends much deeper into global pockets? Think Mark Zuckerberg and his alleged multi-million dollar seed loan from either the CIA or his grandfather to start Facebook, which is the greatest intelligence gathering apparatus ever invented.
As stated above Americans are fed up to the point of vomit with the present political leaders and their obvious manipulations (in both parties) sucking us closer and closer into the abyss that will eventually enslave us all unless it is somehow halted. That realization accounts for the apparently “unexplainable” support for Trump.
Question; If there is indeed a group of diabolic men who are so fabulously wealthy that they can start and stop a war with a snap of their fingers, a group that by definition has to be brilliant in their deliberations, how could they possibly overlook a boiling rebellion that threatens civil war in America and fail to attempt to stop it? It’s well known the FBI has infiltrated hundreds of organizations from the right to the left and have therefore allegedly been able to stop terrorist attacks before they ever start. And yet, we are led to believe by the controlled media the “Trump Phenomena” is apparently “unstoppable” being fueled by a “deep anger and resentment on the part of the people.”
Hogwash! If the conspirators (and they do indeed exist) are able to topple governments and to control world wars they are also able to stop “The Donald.”
This writer fears we are being conned into the “King of all Cons.” A centuries old organization that controls literally trillions of dollars and owns (or has a mortgage on) most of the world is not about to be dethroned by an upstart real estate developer from New York. What then is the secret agenda propelling the Trump? Simply stated it may be part of a diabolical plan to rule the world with a fist of iron. Part Two of this article will deal with some disturbing parallels between the rise of Trump and the rise of Hitler that devastated Europe and came pretty close to conquering the world.
First we will look at the Trump connection to the supposed “Blue Bloods” of the world that claim the “Divine Right of Kings” to rule the world.
According to an article in Infowars dated January 21, 2009[3] which in turn quotes the New York Post[4] “According to a New York Post article entitled “Cousins by Dozens: Fruitful Search Through Family Trees” written by Ginger Adams Otis on October 28, 2007, Barack Obama is George W. Bush’s 11th cousin enjoying a closer relationship than former Vice-President Dick Cheney who is George W. Bush’s 9th cousin once removed, while Barack Obama is Dick Cheney’s 8th Cousin.” And, strange as it may seem, Donald Trump also belongs to the “blue-blooded” family of the super rich and super endowed who are destined to rule the world!
The same article states: “According to Rosemary E. Bachelor, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, historian and genealogical publisher, Obama is related to “at least eight American presidents (sharing) common ancestors,  (with) 1. James Madison [Edwin and Martha (Eltonhead) Conway], 2. Woodrow Wilson [Edward and Elizabeth (Blossom) FitzRandolph], 3. Harry Truman [Mareen Duvall], 4) Gerald Ford [Joseph and Rose (Allen) Holley], 5. Lyndon Johnson [Phillip and Maria (Schmidt) Ament], 6. Jimmy Carter [Adrian and Mary (Disharoone) Gordy], 7. George Bush Sr. and 8. George Bush Jr. [Gov. Thomas and Mary (Richards) Hinckley].” (emphasis in original) An illustration accompanying the article follows:

“Both Hillary and Donald share common ancestors[5] tracing their lineage back to England.
“Both Clinton and Trump claim lineage to John of Gaunt, the 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster and son of England’s King Edward III, John of Gaunt, a royal in the 14th century, was the son of King Edward III and featured in the Shakespearean play Richard II, named after his nephew. Both the real estate tycoon and former Secretary of State are the direct descendants of 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt and his third wife Katherine Swynford, according to the ancestry site Clinton claims the lineage to her 18th great-grandparents through the Rodham family of her father’s side while Trump is related to her through his mother Mary Anne Macleod, who was born in Scotland.

“The common relative means that the Democrat and Republican are 19th cousins.
Ancestry site MyHeritage has discovered that the Democratic and Republican
front-runners in the race for the White House are actually distantly related through
a royal British ancestor. The site has revealed that Trump and Clinton are actually 19th cousins and share the same 18th great-grandparents. Ancestry site MyHeritage has discovered that the Democratic and Republican front-runners in the race for the White House, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are distantly related through a royal ancestor (named) Swynford (who) was at first Gaunt’s mistress, but they later married and their offspring were legitimized.

“Gaunt’s children by Swynford include Trump’s 17th great-grandfather John Beaufort
and Clinton’s 17th great-grandmother Joan Beaufort, according to MyHeritage. The Duke of Lancaster’s son by his first wife Blanche, would later go on to become Henry IV. Various other descendants of Gaunt would claim his lineage to Edward III during the War of the Roses, a conflict that makes today’s political scandals seem laughably tame in comparison. The war ultimately ended when Henry VII, a member of the House of Lancaster, defeated Richard III in battle and became the first Tudor king.”[6]
The same article even has Sarah Palin sharing the royal hemoglobin along with Joseph Smith founder of the Mormon religion, and don’t forget slippery Bill Clinton.
Meanwhile the elite of the world “wring their hands and sweat profusely” at the prospect of the Trump possibly gaining the presidency. According to a recent article by Reuters we read,
 "’Unbelievable", "embarrassing’ even "dangerous" are some of the words the financial elite gathered at the World Economic Forum conference in the Swiss resort of Davos have been using to describe U.S. Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.”[7]
Give me a break! If it were really that serious, if the elite were actually and honestly worried about Trump becoming President an “accident” could be easily arranged or perhaps an unexpected heart attack. It’s been done before.
The recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia, found on a secluded ranch with “a pillow over his head,” was a clear message he was a “blood sacrifice” to Satan and had been murdered with the result that others that had plans of opposing the Globalist agenda had better walk carefully and watch their backs.
It was reported by the media that during the 2004 election cycle with both George Bush Jr. and John Kerry sharing royal blood, Burke’s Peerage gave slight odds in favor of Kerry because he had “a little more royal blood than Bush.” If researched, odds are that Al Gore, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other political leaders will also be found to be members of that most exclusive club.
You don’t get the top job running the company store unless you are part of the family that owns it. This all goes back to the idea those that rule, are above the rest of us, claiming immunity from criticism or challenge.
“The divine right of kings or divine right is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God. The king is thus not subject to the will of his people, the aristocracy, or any other estate of the realm, including (in the view of some, especially in Protestant countries or during the reign of Henry VIII of England) the Catholic Church. It is often expressed in the phrase "by the Grace of God," attached to the titles of a reigning monarch.”[8]
We hear a little, but just a little, about some of Trump’s early days and some of his early positions like being pro-abortion and giving big bucks to Hillary and Bill (see below).
Many staunch conservatives today look back at some of their liberal positions when they were young, but later became solid in what they are today. But in addition to youthful lapses in judgment, Trump has done some very strange things lately and is still taking strange positions if he truly is the answer to the people’s prayers. Consider for example this report by Dave Hodges:
Hillary Clinton attended Donald Trump’s 2005 wedding to current wife in Florida. Hillary Clinton had front-pew seating at the event. Even Bill Clinton, not a person known for respecting the sanctity of marriage, showed up for the reception.
“Trump has been generous in towards the Clinton’s in the past as he has donated over $100,000 to the Clinton’s foundation. And as a former Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton has responded in kind as she left many of the Trump real estate deals alone when she could have a negative impact.[9]
As Mr. Trump bulls his way into the GOP nomination notwithstanding all of the “noise” being made by the establishment, count me out as being in attendance to either his cheering section or coronation.
Isn’t it strange the media gives almost constant coverage to the antics of Donald while explaining they actually “deplore his tactics?” Why don’t they just freeze him out of the publicity limelight? They did that with Rand Paul as they did to dad Ron Paul and are past masters in shunning and blanking out anyone they don’t like. No, the captive media has apparently been given their orders: “Give Trump all the publicity you can while posing to be against him.” One is reminded of Randolph Hearst who gave orders to his editors, “Puff (Billy) Graham” an evangelical that had no problem with sending saved sinners right back into the arms of the Roman Catholic church that seems to be slated as the False Prophet of Revelation.
Part two of this article will examine some of the creepy parallels between Donald Trump and the little Corporal, Adolph Hitler.  We will also look at how the “divine right of kings” was established and legitimized in the public venue.





First an explanation of the origins of “The Divine Right of Kings.”
After centuries of bad governance there arose several rebellions against the people that had gained, and wanted to hold onto their power. In England members of Parliament has set their eyes on even more power and rebellion was detected by the existing, real rulers. Something needed to be done.
How about a teaching, ostensibly from God Himself that would put down any ideas of rebellion and overthrowal of the “powers that be?”
“The theory of the Divine Right of Kings aimed at instilling obedience by explaining  why all social ranks were religiously and morally obliged to obey their government.
“The religious fervor awakened by the Reformation and Counter-Reformation provoked rebellion all over Europe. In England, both Roman Catholic and Puritan theorists justified disobedience, and even forcible resistance, to heretical governments that attacked the true religion.
“An increasingly high proportion of MPs had been educated at Oxford or Cambridge (England’s two universities) and/or at the Inns of Court (where lawyers were taught their profession).
“The theory of the Divine Right of Kings was directed at convincing this literate and wealthy group that they should serve as royal officials, not try and seize power for themselves.[10]
To summarize the above quote (which researchers like J.R. Church disagree with vehemently), let’s just say it is a theory concocted by the kings to keep the peasants in line by telling them the Bible taught them to do so. The modern tactic to keep the cattle in the corral is to quote Romans 13:1-7. That passage appears to teach voluntary subjection to whomever or whatever happens to be in charge. The teachers conveniently overlook however, Verse 4a that explicitly teaches the ruler must be “for good.” It follows therefore if the ruler is bad, the teaching is automatically nullified.
According to Church, the explanation given above is the sanitized version while he and others say the REAL belief of the “Blue Bloods” is that kings (and their descendents) have “royal blood,” derived from a supposed union between Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. That supposedly devolved into a European sect called the Merovingians from which sprang the Habsburgs and other self annointed royalty.
In addition to Part One of this article that shows the alleged connection between Mr. Trump and his supposed “Divinely Charged” forefathers, there are even more reasons to be very suspicious of the meteoric rise of the current front-runner for the Republican nomination for President (Feb 23, 2016). This writer hopes his fears are ungrounded and that Mr. Trump is actually whom he says he is. However, knowing something about the sin nature of all men and their almost insatiable quest for money and power we feel there are many warning signs that need to be examined.

There are disturbing similarities between Donald Trump and an earlier strong man the world knows as Adolph Hitler. It appears to this writer (and there is a lot of convincing evidence) that the rise of Hitler was only made possible by an infusion of money by the industrialists in both Germany but primarily in the United States. Donald Trump has taken bankruptcy four different times and still has reportedly amassed a fortune of $8-9 billion. Has someone infused money into his coffers in order keep them well supplied so he can claim to be “financing his own campaign?”
In the financing of Hitler’s rise to power, the Bush family in the person of Grandpapa Prescott Bush was involved.[11] In addition the Bank of England and the American Federal Reserve put money into his rise to power.[12] A blockbuster book by Anthony Sutton also gives great detail of the clandestine activities of Wall Street in the financing and subsequent rise to power of Adolph Hitler.[13]
The question now becomes, does Wall Street still have its hand in the controlling of political picking of Presidents, or have they taken a vow of celibacy? We would be very naïve to believe that those involved in the never-ending quest for money and power have decided to sit this one out. Have the movers and shakers of world suddenly decided to become bystanders and to actually let the people elect a man who on the surface seems determined to topple the financial rulers of the world?
Let’s look at a few of the tell-tale-tags of where we are today.

“Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)  stated: "Socialized medicine is a keystone to the establishment of a socialist state."[14]
Here is Adolph with his version of “Hitlercare.”
The National Socialist Workers' Party leader, Adolph Hitler, became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, and began implementing a plan of universal healthcare, with no regard for conscience.”[15]
What about Trump’s views on healthcare? Here is a quote from an article about his views:
“He has broken with many Republicans on taxing the rich, threatening trade wars and keeping Planned Parenthood alive. On Friday, Donald J. Trump faced criticism for an even bolder act of conservative heresy: embracing the core tenet of the Affordable Care Act.”[16]
“Less than 24 hours later, Mr. Trump backed away from his remarks, proclaiming himself to be the fiercest opponent of the health law. It was the latest example of a candidate who has been impervious to inconsistencies again emerging unscathed from a misstep that would probably be damaging to anyone else.”[17]
We note that Mr. Trump consistently reminds us that he is “not a politician” but flip-flops such as the preceding seems to contradict his statements. Flip-flops according to the prevailing political winds is a tell-tale sign of a professional politician.


Hitler’s complete contempt for human life is beyond dispute, killing babies, the infirm, mentally and physically handicapped (Veterans and others) in addition to six million Jews, not to mention political opponents is well documented. But what about Trump’s view of the sanctity of life?
“January 25, 2016 (LiveActionNews) -- On the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, many GOP presidential contenders were not silent. While Democrats Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton continue to defend the horrors of abortion, Republicans Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson took to social media. Recognizing the tragedy of over 58 million lives lost, these candidates explained why they stand for life.
“Donald Trump, however, was silent on abortion, the March for Life, and Roe v. Wade all day. He was the only GOP front runner to avoid making a statement. Issues concerning Trump’s pro-abortion past continue to rise – including his statement that his sister would be “one of the best” justices for the U.S. Supreme Court, despite her ruling in favor of partial-birth abortion as a circuit judge.”[18]
It seems Trump has a problem in coming straight out and endorsing the Pro-Life position. That in itself is not conclusive, but it certainly raises red flags. He also has major problems in cutting off funding for Planned Parenthood even though he is well aware of the videos showing the butchering of aborted babies so their parts could be sold for profit.
“This past week, for the first time, Trump has specifically promised he would sign a bill as president to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Trump has repeatedly indicated he opposes Planned Parenthood funding but has always stopped short of committing to sign legislation to stop the flow of taxpayer funds to the nation’s biggest abortion business.
“In a new interview with David Brody of CBN, Trump made that promise. Although his promise will go a long way towards reassuring pro-life voters he would implement specific pro-life policy on abortion as president, Trump continued to praise Planned Parenthood — following up on his “good things” and “wonderful work” comments that have turned off some pro-life voters.”[19]
How about the 2nd Amendment? Does Trump support the absolute right of anyone except convicted felons having the right to own a gun? Hitler and his henchmen didn’t think so:
Heinrich Himmler, head of Nazi S.S. ("Schutzstaffel"-Protection Squadron), stated:

"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the S.S. or the S.A. Ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State."

Disarming the civilian population was a necessary step in state control, as Vladimir Lenin explained: "One man with a gun can control 100 without one. "[20]

But what does Donald believe? He apparently believes the government has the right to ignore the 2nd Amendment and can ban so-called “assault weapons” which is nothing but Communist “Newspeak” for any gun that can fire multiple times before reloading.

“For assault weapon ban, waiting period, & background check

“I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record.
“Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 , Jul 2, 2000”

Under the rule of Adolph Hitler it was decreed;

'Persons who, according to the Nuremberg law, are regarded as Jews, are forbidden to possess any weapon. Violators will be condemned to a concentration camp and imprisoned for a period of up to 20 years.'"[21]
We have to ask the question, if “assault weapons” should be banned according to the above quote by Trump, can that ban be logically expanded to include other perceived firearm threats that arise in the future? How about guns with extra-ordinary range, or power or caliber? If the 2nd Amendment can be partially breached what is to prevent further restriction?


The frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination today promised "forward motion" on gay and lesbian equality if he is elected.  
“In an interview with NECN's Sue O'Connell just days before the crucial New Hampshire primary, Trump cast himself as a uniter on LGBT issues.  
“O'Connell, who is also Bay Windows' Publisher, identified herself as a lesbian in a question that noted the progress the LGBT community has made in the last two decades and asked Trump if voters can expect him to continue that momentum if elected 
"When President Trump is in office can we look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians?" O'Connell asked him.  
"Well, you can," Trump answered. " And look, again, we're going to bring people together, and thats your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together and if we don't we're not going to have a country anymore."[22]
What was Hitler’s stance on Homosexuality?
“(Scott) Lively's crime? In his book, "The Pink Swastika," Lively exposes a secret homosexual activists don't want you to know about Nazi Germany: that although the Nazis did persecute homosexuals, the homosexuals the Nazis persecuted were almost exclusively the effeminate members of the gay community in Germany, and that much of the mistreatment was administered by masculine homosexuals who despised effeminacy in all its forms.

”Ludwig Lenz worked at the Sex Research Institute in Berlin, which was destroyed by Hitler's Brown Shirts in 1933 likely because its records, including 40,000 confessions from members of the Nazi Party, would have exposed the sexual perversions of Nazi leadership. Lenz said that "not ten percent of the men who, in 1933, took the fate of Germany into their hands, were sexually normal."[23]
Is it possible we don’t have all the facts regarding Trump’s views on homosexuals or is this article painting with too wide of a brush? Or could the above research simply be the tip of an iceberg which indicates a much deeper problem which most simply don’t suspect?


There is implied consent in the 5th Amendment of our Constitution for eminent domain, saying private property should not be taken by the government without “just compensation” but the question is far from settled with scholars on both sides of the question arguing strongly for their point of view, especially when private interests have used it to condemn private property so that commercial development can take place.
Likewise, the general public is also divided on the issue, with conservatives and libertarians usually coming down on the side of the individual and against the powers of the state especially the power is used by private interests, and even notable resistance when the state uses the power. Donald Trump is unequivocal in his view:
“Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that eminent domain, including for private projects that “employ thousands of people” is “a wonderful thing” in an interview broadcast on Tuesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.
“Trump stated, “I think eminent domain is wonderful, if you’re building a highway, and you need to build, as an example, a highway, and you’re going to be blocked by a hold-out, or, in some cases, it’s a hold-out, just so you understand, nobody knows this better than I do, because I built a lot of buildings in Manhattan, and you’ll have 12 sites and you’ll get 11 and you’ll have the one hold-out and you end up building around them and everything else, okay? So, I know it better than anybody. I think eminent domain for massive projects, for instance, you’re going to create thousands of jobs, and you have somebody that’s in the way, and you pay that person far more — don’t forget, eminent domain, they get a lot of money, and you need a house in a certain location, because you’re going to build this massive development that’s going to employ thousands of people, or you’re going to build a factory, that without this little house, you can’t build the factory. I think eminent domain is fine.”[24]


According to William J. Federer in his book “Three Secular Reasons why America Should be under God”
“Though early in his career Hitler pretended to be a Christian in order to get elected, once in power he revealed his nazified social Darwinism and became openly hostile toward Christianity.”[25]
This writer must ask the question regarding the depth of Trump’s faith. Yes, we know he shredded the Pope with just a few words over the “Mexican wall,” and we applauded him for it because of the obvious danger we face with unrestricted borders, but we have also noticed several occasions when we too wondered whether or not he is really a Christian. Writing in The Christian Post, Rod Anderson comments:
“Donald Trump said he's not sure if he's asked God for forgiveness, at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday, which led some to question the sincerity of his alleged Christian faith.
“Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump on Saturday if he had ever sought God's forgiveness and Trump replied, "I'm not sure I have ever asked God's forgiveness. I don't bring God into that picture."
Trump clarified further about forgiveness in the church setting saying, "When I go to church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of forgiveness. I do that as often as I can because I feel cleansed. I say let's go on and let's make it right," declared Trump.[26]
It’s a little hard to imagine someone being a Christian without “bringing God into the picture or being forgiven by a little cracker.” On the other hand it’s not hard to imagine someone professing to be a Christian in order to gain support from those that really are. Let’s just say there seems to be room for skepticism.
When you write an article like this questioning the pronouncements and veracity of a major figure in today’s world of wide-spread corruption, you run the risk of almost being “un-American,” but so be it. My worst dream is to place a “strong man” in a place with life or death power over our future. We have seen enough of that over the 8 years of Barack Obama. We don’t need anymore. There are parallels between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler that should keep us awake at night and caution us to move very, very carefully in blindly following a man who seems to be able to capture to world and to easily shrug off words that would sink anyone else. The exception however is one who is secure in his relationship with the Lord of Glory and his eventual transition into living forever in heaven with Jesus.
Is it possible that Trump indeed, is being guided by a “higher power” but not necessarily the One that wrote the Bible?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned Germans not to slip into the cult of Führer (leader) worship, as he could turn out to be a Verführer (mis-leader, seducer).
There is a lesson we all need to learn. When a writing such as this is ignored or attacked we are dangerously close to the present assault on the 1st Amendment granting us freedom of speech. I am reminded of what Martin Niemöller said following the reign of Adolph Hitler,
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me."

[1] Guardians of the Grail, Copyright 1989, Prophecy Publications, Oklahoma City, OK
[6] Read more:  article-3210778/Donald-Trump-Hillary-Clinton-revealed-distant-cousins-family-trees-share-set-royal-ancestors.html#ixzz3k2MAEHXo
[15] Ibid

[21] Ibid
[25] I

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump may not be as much of a political outsider as purported in interviews and campaign stomps. He is actually related to royalty – and is a distant cousin of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

As it turns out, both are related to John of Gaunt, a 14th century royal. Gaunt, who was the 1st Duke of Lancaster, was the son of King Edward III. According to MyHeritage,

Trump is related through his mother, Mary Anne Macleod, back to his 17th great-grandfather, John Beaufort, while Clinton is related through her father and the Rodham family, back to her 17th great-grandmother, Joan Beaufort. The two candidates are 19th cousins. Neither has commented on this fact.

Trump Has A Very Surprising Distant Relative Who Happens To Be A Presidential Candidate They are not the first candidates to be related...Melody Dareing August 26, 2015


Both Clinton and Trump claim lineage to John of Gaunt, the 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster and son of England’s King Edward III, John of Gaunt, a royal in the 14th century, was the son of King Edward III and featured in the Shakespearean play Richard II, named after his nephew. Both the real estate tycoon and former Secretary of State are the direct descendants of 14th century 1st Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt and his third wife Katherine Swynford, according to the ancestry site Clinton claims the lineage to her 18th great-grandparents through the Rodham family of her father’s side while Trump is related to her through his mother Mary Anne Macleod, who was born in Scotland.
The common relative means that the Democrat and Republican are 19th cousins.
Ancestry site MyHeritage has discovered that the Democratic and Republican
front-runners in the race for the White House are actually distantly related through
a royal British ancestor. The site has revealed that Trump and Clinton are actually 19th cousins and share the same 18th great-grandparents. Ancestry site MyHeritage has discovered that the Democratic and Republican front-runners in the race for the White House, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are distantly related through a royal ancestor
Swynford was at first Gaunt’s mistress, but they later married and their offspring were legitimized.
Gaunt’s children by Swynford include Trump’s 17th great-grandfather John Beaufort
and Clinton’s 17th great-grandmother Joan Beaufort, according to MyHeritage. The Duke of Lancaster’s son by his first wife Blanche, would later go on to become Henry IV. Various other descendants of Gaunt would claim his lineage to Edward III during the War of the Roses, a conflict that makes today’s political scandals seem laughably tame in comparison. The war ultimately ended when Henry VII, a member of the House of Lancaster, defeated Richard III in battle and became the first Tudor

Just Google “Hillary Clinton Donald Trump cousins” for dozens of sites that claim that is a fact. Suffice it to say, the Merovingian bloodline is the root of the “royal blood” myth and can be traced back to a supposed but false claim, that Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ married and had children which eventually produced the “divine right of kings.”

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Ides, a day in the Roman calendar that marked the approximate middle of the month.

By Dick Carmack

The following entry is found on the website of Science Frontiers Online for the July-August issue of 1994. Men have been looking to the heavens for millennia, searching for signs of God’s will and His actions, either present or impending.

“Beware the ides of June -- and the rest of the month, too!

“Three astronomical events, all within the short span of written human history, lead J. Hartung to warn us that June is a dangerous month for earthlings.

June 18, 1178. On the moon.

"...just after sunset, it was reported by at least five men that the 'upper horn of a new moon split and from the division point fire, hot coals, and sparks spewed out.'"

“These observations have been interpreted as eyewitness accounts of the impact on the moon that gouged out the crater named Giordano Bruno, 20 kilometers in diameter.

June 30, 1908. Siberia.

"On the morning of June 30, 1908, a tremendous explosion deep in the Siberian taiga near the Tunguska river caused trees over an area of 40 km in diameter to be flattened in a radial pattern and produced a pressure wave in the atmosphere which circled the Earth."

“June 17-27, 1975. On the moon.

" unusual meteoroid 'storm' was detected by the array of seismometers placed on the moon during the Apollo missions. The peak impact rate on the moon of 0.5-to-50-kg objects was about 10 times the normal background during this interval. Such a high rate was not recorded at any other time during the 8-year operation of the Apollo passive seismic network."

“Hartung links all three events to the comet Encke and the closely related Taurid Complex of naturally occuring space debris. Some chunks in this wide stream of space debris are measured in kilometers and, if they hit the earth, would far outclass the infamous Siberian projectile of 1908.

(Hartung, Jack B.; "Giordano Bruno, the 1975 Meteoroid Storm, Encke, and Other Taurid Complex Objects," Icarus, 104:280, 1993.

“Comment. Since we will not mail this issue of SF until the first week in July, you are safe for another year (?) if you are reading this!

“From Science Frontiers #94, JUL-AUG 1994. © 1994-2000 William R. Corliss”


Marvin Rosenthal (Zion’s Fire)  writes the last seven years of this present age, commonly called “the great tribulation” wherein the world expects Antichrist to arise and take charge of the world, is not simply a seven year period, but is broken into three parts; the beginning of sorrows, great tribulation and the wrath of God (The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church). We therefore find ourselves wondering, Could we be in “part one, called “the beginning of sorrows?” Or are we just building up to the “beginning of the bad?

Will Antichrist rule for 7 years or only 3 ½, or maybe even less? What is coming and is it near or far in the future?

Compare Rosenthal’s analysis with Tom Horn’s, “ZENITH 2016” chronicling the myriad signs he had discovered that all point to 2016 as being the zenith of current world events. The lynchpin of signs he used was the furor of when the world was focused on the apocalypse projected by the Aztec Calendar Stone,  supposedly teaching “The world will end on December 21, 2012.” The centerpiece of that supposed event was widely written about and publicized as portending the possible end of humanness as we know it. It obviously didn’t work out. Horn thinks it actually meant “The end of the age.”

Horn also pointed out many developments in the present time but didn’t make (at least in the book) the possible connection of December 21, 2012 (Mayan date) plus the Biblical time period of three and one half years which when added together brings us to June 21, 2016.

Could June 2016 possibly be the month that brings calamitous change to planet earth and is therefore worth considering as being a turning point? We will soon know, “yes or no.”

It’s commonly conceded the beginning of sorrows is related to the first half of the prophesied 7 years because the current understanding of Bible prophecy points toward a prophesied horrible time of seven years duration, which at mid-point (3 ½ yrs.) is interrupted by the rise of a man possessed by Satan himself. That demonic one will bring such devastation to planet earth that God Almighty will finally intervene and with His Wrath bring it all to a end. The Bible also speaks several times of “forty and two months,” “time and times and half a time” both of which designate a 3 ½ year period, indicating the 7 years is broken into two halves. That centerpoint is referred to as “the abomination of desolation,” or when Antichrist reveals himself by setting himself up in the temple and demanding worship.

Could there be a link between the Mayan date of 12-21-12 and the biblical 3 ½ year period clearly taught in the Bible? It’s worth considering in light of the building crescendo of horrific weather events, earthquakes, tsunamis and other more minor or localized tragedies. Anticipating the great tribulation and the second coming of Christ has been a popular pastime for not just years but centuries, even millennia.

Looking at Matthew 24:4 we note Jesus warns of deception to come.

Mt 24:4 ¶ And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 

Because the Bible reaches the entire world, we may safely conclude it warns of global deception in the last days.

Mt 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Persistent reports warn of a coming attempt by the Vatican to fake the Second Coming of Christ possibly with holograms accompanied by fake reports of Alien landings. We also see almost regularly men arise claiming to be Christ.

Mt 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

 Wars and rumors of war are, and have been daily news for the past several years.

Mt 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Again just consult the daily news and compare with this, Zika virus being the latest scare. We also refer to famines scattered across the globe, as well as earthquakes.

Mt 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (all emphasis added)


Here is a reprint of headlines found and noted five years ago:

Australia floods: 'Inland sea' moves across Victoria  01/23/11

The Son of Perdition (Antichrist) will rule with savagery during “the great tribulation.” It will be a time when the world will see new atrocities that will put ISIS to shame, acts that can hardly be comprehended. According to Bible teaching at the very least, one half of mankind will perish, first when a quarter of mankind dies, secondly when a third of the remainder expires. What destruction we have seen so far will one day appear as small as a computer blip. But will the time of Antichrist be for a full seven years or only three and one-half, maybe even less?

We consider the possibility as proposed by Rosenthal, the first half of the 7 years will be the “beginning of sorrows” followed by an indeterminate time ruled by Antichrist called “the great tribulation.” Following that, God pours out His Wrath on the earth. At the end of His Wrath Antichrist is destroyed at Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ is complete.

The first declaration of death to come is found in Rev 6:8 when “death and hell” are given permission to exterminate a “fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” At our present population of about seven billion that means simply that one and three quarters (1 ¾) billion people will perish in the first holocaust.

When that is accomplished a third of the survivors will then be put to the sword and other instruments of death. The second round is expressed asAnd the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men (Rev 9:15).”

World War 2 took 50 million lives. Now multiply that by 70 and we have the approximate death toll of 3 ½ Billion that is yet to come.

The Bible doesn’t specify exactly how half its population will perish, but considering the current levels of technology we can easily imagine how it might come to pass. Atomic or hydrogen warfare first comes to mind, followed quickly by clashing armies, then famine and pestilence discussed by Matthew 24 and Rev 6. Other means might be “natural disasters” many of which we are presently witnessing. These may very well include massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme flooding (implied by Dan 9:27), continent splitting or perhaps man-made weapons of mass destruction.

In the present, when we consider the seemingly unending cycles of extreme weather, tornados, massive flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, it’s not surprising that current events are being compared to Biblical prophecy. Other daily disasters include baseball sized hail, landslides, 80 mph straight winds, that turn over semi trucks, and destroy poorly built structures, houses caving into the sea, etc. The devil is the god of this world, and it behooves us to read the newspaper in one hand while watching outside in apprehension with both eyes wide open. Surely, we are seeing prophecy being fulfilled.

Following the first ½ of Daniel’s 70th Week (Dan 9:27), we also note Matthew 25 (46 verses) is devoted entirely to different descriptions of coming judgment,

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory  32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: Mt 25:31

When does it all come together? No man knows but when we look at the world in which we live it seems to be drawing so near we can almost hear the hoof beats of the horses of judgment. Could a landmark be established this coming June?

Meanwhile most of the church is sleeping, dreaming sweetly of a painless quick departure (pre-trib rapture) straight to heaven. Most seem blithely unaware that what is being taught in many pulpits is designed to keep the sheep comfortably asleep with full bellies of false doctrine, so the checks will keep hitting the offering plate. As a result, preparedness is abhorred, “Don’t disturb me.”

Will they ever wake up? Probably not till the troops in full combat gear break down their doors and search homes for guns, food and “subversive” literature (Bibles etc). Meanwhile the world is perishing as we argue over which of the latest doo-dads we must buy, or which politician to vote for, all to be put away and be quickly forgotten or denied almost as soon as the deed is done.

There is no hope for anyone who is outside of Christ! Thankfully there is still time for repentance and forgiveness.

Carmack is a retired Baptist Minister living in rural New Mexico


Monday, April 18, 2016



By Dick Carmack                                                              
2853 words approx.


Should a Christian fight in armed resistance against a tyrannical government, or should he submit and turn the other cheek? What is our biblical duty?
Because of the times in which we live and because of the strong possibility that an attempt may one day soon be made to overthrow the Constitutionally authorized government of this country and to install a dictatorship, the question arises: Should or should not a Christian fight to help preserve his country and his way of 1ife?
What is our Christian duty? Should we resist not evil (Matt. 5:39)? or do we sell our garments and buy a sword (Luke 22:36)? Whatever our own predisposition, we should first determine and then do The Lord’s Will.


Sgt. Alvin York was a World War I Congressional Medal of Honor winner for his exploits in the Argonne Forest in France. York single-handedly outshot an entire German machine gun battalion, killing 25 men in the process, and later the same day, along with seven of his men brought in 132 German prisoners. His explanation was that God had been with him during the fiqht.
York was a rowdy youth, later experiencing conversion in a fundamental Kentucky church. He was a Christian who applied for conscientious objector status at the beginning of American involvement in World War I, believing deeply in the instructions given by Jesus in Matt. 5:39, “resist not evil.” He was denied objector status and drafted.
He went then to his commanding officer Major George Edward Buxton, a “devout New Englander” who so impressed York that he later named a son after him. “The Major began by quoting Christ’s admonition ‘He that hath no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one’ (Luke 22:36), and asked York if the Christ who drove the moneychangers from the temple would ignore German ‘war crimes’ in Belgium. He pointed out that Jesus had told his followers, ‘For my kingdom is not of this world; but if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight” (John 18:36). Buxton argued that the United States was an earthly government due the ‘things that are Caesar’s’ and therefore the Christian servants of that government should fight for its preservation. He ended by reading a passage from Ezekiel (33:1-6) that clearly suggested that the Lord expected his people to defend themselves.”
If this is true, then if a military coup is executed against this country, the same would apply to us. i.e. an obligation to defend the Republic and its Constitution against the aggressors. Is not the presently constituted United States an earthly government and due the things of Caesar’s?
Regarding the reference to Ezekiel 33 by Major Buxton, it seems incumbent upon us to at least “blow the trumpet and warn the people” (Ezek 33:3). Beyond that the Scriptures clearly state that “whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head” (verse 4).
Why blow the trumpet if we are not expected to defend ourselves against evil? Is the trumpet only for a warning to hide? By the way, in verse 2 of the passage the Lord says that He is bringing the sword against the land. Today, in the United States of America it surely seems the Lord is again bringing the sword against a land, our land. The very least we must do is to sound the warning.
John R. Rice says a clear teaching of the Bible is Romans chapter 13 and elsewhere where Christians are admonished to be subject to the rulers of their country. The ruler is said to be the minister of God, even in bearing the sword. “The soldier in the army acting under orders from the ruler or the government may be the minister of God in helping to put down bandits, insurrection, or godless rulers who set out to murder millions as did Hitler. ‘The powers that be are ordained of God’ applies to this matter. So Christians should sometimes go to war as their government may require."
Again quoting Dr. Rice: "Question: Is it ever right for Christians to
have a part in a revolution against the government?
          "Answer: I think that the case of Jeroboam in I Kings 12, who rebelled against Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, and the case of Jehu in 2 Kings 9, who rebelled against Jehoram, king of Israel, show that God sometimes is in favor of a revolution against a wicked king.
“As a citizen, a Christian is to obey the laws of the land and be subject to the rulers of the land. But as a person responsible to God to help in the government of which he is a part, a citizen may sometimes need to change the government. In America we do that by voting for this president or that, and this governor or that, but sometimes a change may necessarily need to be done by a revolution. Certainly only in a very clear case of wicked oppression should a Christian take part in a revolution.”
So Dr. Rice thinks there are certain times when revolution is justified.
J. Vernon McGee, another respected commentator says regarding Luke 22:36, “The Lord said, ‘He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.’ Why? For self-protection, of course. They were living in days that required a sword. We need to recognize that fact also. If we do not resist evil today, all kinds of evil will befall us. We could end up in a hospital or have some of our loved ones slain. You do not need to overdo this thing and make your home an armed garrison, but you do need to protect yourself.”
For the sake of argument let’s say that our politicians or some other conspiratorial group attempts to forcibly take this country into an international “New World Order.” Are they still ordained of God? Or, have they stepped outside of the definition of “ordained powers” and are now opposing them? Obviously, they are in opposition to the “powers that be.”
Dr. Robert L. Moyer says a Christian should not always obey human government. “There may come times when there will be a clash between state and church…When such a clash comes, in the words of the apostles, ‘we must obey God rather than men.’” Moyer continues, “Shall a Christian go to war? Our answer is yes. If your government calls, you are obligated to obey. In 1 Peter 2:13—14 Peter adds his voice to that of Paul. saying, ‘Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake:"
A secular authority, the American Declaration of Independence tells us, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
On the other side of the coin, Christian history is replete with examples of Christians that went to their deaths without apparent resistance and it often seems that the Gospel is furthered more in those instances, than when war is employed.
Looking closely at the examples given in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, we realize that these people were killed (burned, hanged, beheaded etc.) not for turning the other cheek, but for precisely the opposite reason. They were killed for resisting the power of the state, that is, they refused to bow down to the King or Pope and were executed for that reason. If they had turned the other cheek and resisted not evil, they would have lived. But they chose to obey God and not men (Acts 5:29).
It is an important question and one that needs to be answered definitively and with full authority of the Scripture.


First, we should understand what a “ruler” is. In the case of a monarchy, or a dictatorship, the ruler is the king or the “Head of State.” In the case of an oligarchy (such as Saudi Arabia) the ruler is the small group of men who rule the country. In the case of a democracy, the “ruler” is the whim or vote of the people at that particular time. In the case of a Constitutional Republic such as the United States, the constitution and its written body of law is the ruler. The President and other elected and appointed officials are transient and are only empowered to carry out the law and to amend it by lawful procedure. Our President therefore, is not our ruler, he is merely the instrument by which law (the ruler) is enforced. To whom does the Supreme Court turn when there is a question as to the lawfulness or unlawfulness of a particular statute? Do they ask the President? Of course not, they go to the constitution.
Therefore, in the case of a military coup or armed insurrection against our constitution we are both free and duty bound to resist tyranny and to help restore legitimate, constitutional government.
The question as to whether we are free to resist, in case the New World Order is duly voted in and ratified according to the Constitution however has not been answered.
If it is the will of the people to become subject to a New World Order or any other kind of a government, and this is obtained by lawful procedure, then we are duty bound to respect that decision and to submit to the new government, or leave. But, if that New World Order is in the process of coming about by deceit, or by disregard of existing law (therefore God— given power), or by force, we are duty bound to resist that new government until such time that it is plain, one way or another, that God’s Will has been done.
Beyond the obvious deceit being practiced at every level of government, our present federal government is in clear violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution and is thereby an unlawful government which must either be corrected or resisted, because it is in the process of subverting and thereby overthrowing a God Ordained government.
The 10th Amendment reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Has our federal government assumed powers not delegated to them? The list is endless. Myriad laws have been passed by Congress giving the central government powers that were not specifically enumerated, and are therefore illegal.
If conspirators attempt overthrowal by subverting the law1 we should resist with the weapon of law. If they attempt overthrowal by force of arms we should resist with arms.
Surely we have to use judgment and seek the sense and the context of the verse when applying Romans 13:1-7, or any other passage. Paul is speaking of duly constituted powers, i.e. legitimate governments, not just any “power.” “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”
If an armed group of bandits break into your home and assault you and your family, they certainly are “powers that be” at that particular time, but they certainly are not what Paul is speaking of above and certainly must be resisted.
1 Tim. 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
If we accept Matthew, “resist not evil,” and reject Luke, “sell your garment and buy a sword,” or vice versa, we are indulging in private interpretation. As we ponder these questions we must be sure to seek the whole counsel of God, not just those teachings that we are predisposed to adopt. “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation” (2 Pet. 1:20).
In the case of the American rebellion against King George, in the beginning it appeared to be against Romans 13. Twenty-seven reasons are given in The Declaration of Independence arid not one of them is religious. Somewhere however, and assumedly for reasons given above, during the course of the war (perhaps at Valley Forge and because of the prayers of George Washington and multitudes of Christian patriots seeking freedom), God apparently stepped in on the American side and has been there ever since, up to and including World War II. I believe it is plain in retrospect that King George had overstepped his authority and had thereby rendered himself, “illegitimate.” When he did, God plainly came down on the side of the revolutionaries.
Now however, a new threat looms over our country. A specter of totalitarian government is seen, presently operating under the “authority” of the United Nations (1945) and many disciples of Christ are being persuaded into the “New World Order.” If in fact, either a person or a group of persons act illegally and perhaps with violence to force our participation in this modern Babel, under the authority of Romans 13, I maintain it is the Christian’s duty to resist with all possible means including a retaliatory force if that becomes necessary.
Having said all this, how can we ignore Matthew 5:39? The answer is Jesus was teaching us how we should live with, and react to other individuals. In verse 38 He said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; (39) But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. (40) and if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.”
This is not an instruction to a nation, it is an instruction for our private, personal lives and interactions with others. Instructions concerning our relationships to governments are given in Romans 13. (1) “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power But of God; the powers that be are ordained of God.” That does not include individuals who happen to be the strongest at the moment, it does not include renegade groups (be they large or small) who are acting outside of the law.
Verse 3 makes this plain: “For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil (emphasis mine) Verses 6 and 7 also clarify, “For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers (7) Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due (taxes and allegiance). We don’t pay taxes or allegiance to terrorists or to illegal "governments."
It is important to understand the distinction between individuals and governments whether they are local or national.  Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that as individuals we will live again and will be judged in a future time. Nations, governments, however have to be dealt with and judged on this earth.
The question today however is not our duty in time of declared war. That is clear, we are subject to every ordinance of government and therefore obligated to fight as a soldier. The present question is this: If a strong man or a group of conspirators are in the process of establishing themselves as the new government but are using illegal means, they are rebelling against “the powers that be,” and as subjects of that power we are obligated to oppose them. If they win however, apparently they are ordained, or at least tolerated by God and therefore to be obeyed.
A clarifying example: During World War II German soldiers fought against the Allied Powers. That was their duty as long as the outcome was in doubt. But, when the Allies won, those same soldiers submitted to the new government.
I believe it boils down to this: Once a new government is firmly in place and has no further resistance, whether it got there by election or by revolution, we are bound biblically to obey it.
“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God (emphasis mine), that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.” (1 Peter 2: 13-15).
UNLESS the new “powers that be” order its citizenry to perform in opposition to biblical teachings.
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to
 obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
But, if a group is in the process of illegally overthrowing an existing, legitimate government, and their success is not yet, then we are biblically bound to oppose that effort.
In the present situation, we do indeed have conspirators who are attempting to take over the United States by stealth and as loyal subjects we are obligated to resist, in allegiance to our present Constitutional Republic that has been ordained by God. As Christians, we are duty bound, biblically to oppose with all our might the present attempt to subvert our country because God has made it clear through His Scriptures (Ro.13). If however, we lose, then we are just as duty bound to submit to the “New” World Order. Because of that my advice to readers is this: Don’t lose.
There is a story about the animals getting together for the purpose of creating a world without war. Various proposals were put forth: The elephants and the rhinos said the world should outlaw all claws and teeth. The lion and the tiger were insistent that horns should in no circumstance be allowed. The bear said “let’s all be friends and just hug.”
In closing let me tell the story of a gentle Quaker who was schooled in, and subservient to the teachings of the Bible. One night, hearing a strange noise in his house, he got up and found a burglar busily at work where the silverware was kept. Reaching for his gun, he entered the room and said,
“Friend, I would do thee no harm for all this world, but friend, thou standest where I am about to shoot.”